3/ Start a Dynamic Graph Manager Executable

This tutorial is only here to show how the launch of the dynamic_graph_manager executable is done.

For further instruction on how to implement and load controller please read the next documentation pages.

Spawn 4 terminal with the catkin workspace are sourced.

  1. Launch roscore (if not running yet):
  2. Launch the entry/main() executable:
    1. Run the executable:
      rosrun <package of your robot> <name of executable file>
      For instance:
      rosrun dynamic_graph_manager demo_dynamic_graph_manager
  3. In another terminal, connect to the python interpreter via ROS:
    1. Startup Dynamic Graph Python client
      rosrun dynamic_graph_manager run_command <python-file>
      rosrun dynamic_graph_manager run_command
      The first call will execute the python file given and fall back to an interactive python terminal. The second call will just fallback to the interactive python terinal. In this terminal you can have access to a global object called "robot". And in particular "robot.device". This device is the link between the (extremely simple) hardware implemented in the demo_dynamic_graph_manager and the dynamic-graph. You can already explore what has been implemented by executing:
      >>> robot.device.displaySignals()
    2. Setup your control graph by executing python commands or use execfile(...) to execute a python script
    3. In a last terminal you can start or stop the dynamic graph by executing the following ROS services:
    4. Start dynamic graph
      rosservice call /dynamic_graph/start_dynamic_graph
    5. Stop dynamic graph
      rosservice call /dynamic_graph/stop_dynamic_graph