4.1/ Create a robot/object/environment package

4.1.1/ Context

There is no real convention about the naming of these package, certain groups will call them robot_properties_[robot name] others [robot name]_description.

Lab convention:

  • For robots the package name will be called: robot_properties_[robot name]
  • For other things like objects, environment, ...: [object/environment name]_description

In the following we will talk about creating of these packages which are typically called robot_properties_[robot name] in our case. The following description is valid for both name conventions.

4.1.2/ Continuous integration:

First of all these packages are catkin packages, so they follow the classic packaging from the Continuous Integration. Typically follow the packaging of the python package located in https://git-amd.tuebingen.mpg.de/amd-clmc/ci_example. The folder structure is the following: