4.2/ How to generate STL files for visualisation
Simplify your CAD files
Original CAD assembly.
Remove all unecessary component.
Remove all unnecessary features.
Simplify and remodel sub-assemblies.
Set your coordinate system to match the conventions

Quadruped Coordinate System Convention

X→ Forward

Y → Left

Z → Upwards


Quadruped Subcomponent Convention

In the zero position of the robot all the coordinate systems need to have the same orientation! (see picture on the right)

For the quadruped this means that two versions (right side and left side) of the upper leg and the lower leg have to be created.

The subcomponent coordinate systems have to be placed on the joint rotation axes and the connecting face.


If the Solidworks part origin is in the right location you will need to generate 3 axes that intersect at the origin. Got to next step.

If the Solidworks part origin is not in the right location you will have to do another intermediate step.

Generate an assembly and insert the part.

Use the mates funtion to align the part such that the origin of the assembly is in the desired location.

Generate three axes that intersect at the origin.

Go to next step.

Why is this necessary?
It seems that Solidworks always places the coordinate systems at the origin. So if the origin is not in the desired location of the coordinate system that has to be corrected first.
If there is a better solution to this please update this page.

Choose "Reference Geometry".

Choose Coordinate System.

Select the correct axes and confirm.

Save as STL file

STL File naming conventions:

  • file name in small letters → no capital letters
  • no space or characters like # \ / in name
  • no dashes in name
  • preferably underscore between words

Example: quadruped_robot_body.stl

  • Choose File→ Save as → STL
  • Select unit → Meters
  • Select resolution → Coarse
  • Make sure to check the box "STL Ausgabedaten nicht auf positiven Raum übertragen". (otherwise the coordinate system will be placed randomly)
  • Select the coordinate system that you created.
  • Confirm and save the file as STL
  • Solidworks uses capital letters for the file extension for some reason → . STL
  • Use the file browser to change the file extension from .STL to .stl
  • Upload the STL files to your Wiki page.
  • Document the distances between the coordinate systems of the parts on the Wiki.